We have created a number of self-services that offer the following improvements:

New METRO Link advantages

METRO Link (old)
METRO Link (new)
Registration without hardware token
1 day
A few minutes
Registration with hardware token 1-2 week(s)
A few minutes
Authorization Assignment for Applications 1 day - 2 weeks
A few minutes, during the rollout approx. 1 day
Business Contact Portlet (Contact Address Book) Not available
Same as Outlook with import & export features & search feature
User & service administration
Was only for METRO available
Now also available for suppliers, new role "Supplier Administrator"
Intuitive interface
Not intuitive, Userguides necessary
Intuitive interface & help texts, individually customizable by METRO country organizations within a few minutes
One interface for all METRO applications
Not consistently as in the old METRO Link Will be continuously implemented & consideration of country-specific aspects