
Please access via METRO LINK PLUS  login: https://de.metrolink-plus.com/  

after you finalized your registration in Metro Link Plus

Enter the eSourcing application

Once you entered Metro Link Plus, click on the "eSourcing" icon to access the application for online tendering.

Supplier Guide - Price Request:

You can enter the project in the SynerSpace:

You can access the project via: 

You can click on the Menu (1) - Tender(2) -Project list (3)


Open the Project

Please click on the grey folder with "+" to open the project

Accept the GC

Before you will be able to access the tender, you must accept the „General conditions (GC)“(1)

Please ensure you open and download documents (2) In case of more than >1 document, it is still mandatory to open and download each document separately

Select all Document lines (3) and Tick on ‘ I have read the participation conditions ‘ (4) and click on “Accept” (5)

For Some Special Cases: When Several Participation conditions are all in one zip file

In case several “General conditions (GC)” are in one zip file, you must accept all „General conditions (GC)“ documents at once.

Please ensure you open and download all documents (2) 

Select the document line (3) and Tick on ‘ I have read the participation conditions ‘ (4)

Please be aware that once the Zip file are confirmed (5), all documents in the zip file are legally signed at once and don’t need to be manually signed

General Information

After accepting the General Conditions, you will have access to the following tabs:

Project Details: general information on the project such as start date, end date, project name.

My Team: list of members of your company that might be invited to the project

Documents: List of tender documents such as article specifications

Tender elements:  access to price request.

Project Documents

In order to download all the documents, follow the next steps:

Select the document  and click on “Download” or Click on the Download icon

Please note that you are also able to upload documents, which you would like to share with buyer.

Enter your Offer 

Click on „Tender elements“ tab

Click on “Place values” icon

Place & Publish your Price Values to the buyer

1. Place your Values

2. Click on “Save as draft” then on “Publish all tabs” to send your answers to the buyer

You can change your answers as long as the project is online

You can log out after Price submit

If you would need further assistance, please click HERE for our contact details