
Proactive Inputs - also known as PRCA - refer to the Proactive Root Cause Analysis. This feature is country-specific and might be enabled for you depending on your agreement with Metro. 

Your advantages for creating Proactive Inputs in SCOT

Use Proactive Inputs to inform Metro about possible problems which might impact your upcoming deliveries. Your main advantages when creating PRCA rules in SCOT in advance are:

- the OTIF of orders and articles with PRCA rules will not be affected and penalties will not apply

- you will have less Failed Order Lines to check and comment retrospectively under Root Cause Analysis in SCOT

If you are unable to process an order due to some reasons/uncertainty (production line issue, temporary stock material out of order, pandemic, strike, etc.), if you communicate this information to the Metro and, with mutual understanding, PRCA is defined in SCOT, you can avoid having your OTIF affected and getting penalised (contractually bound) for not achieving the OTIF target. Those order lines will be considered with OTIF 100%. Therefore, no penalties and no FOLs to comment.

How to get access to Proactive Inputs

In case this feature is available for your country, you can request access to it by contacting your local Metro Supply Chain representative.

For the countries where this feature is not available, the following message is displayed in SCOT:

How to manage Proactive Inputs

The Proactive Inputs page is divided into three parts:

1. Add/Update Proactive RCA - you can create a new PRCA case or update an existing one.

2. Search Proactive RCA - you can search for existing and newly created PRCAs using various filters available

3. Automatic Approvals - displays the existing and newly created PRCAs. Additionally, you have the option to edit or delete the existing PRCA cases if needed. PRCAs created by you are automatically approved if there is no additional step of Metro counterpart approval.

1. How to create a new PRCA case

If Proactive Inputs is enabled for you, you can create any of these four PRCA cases in SCOT:

a. Changing Qty for an article

b. Article Temporary blocked

c. Cancellation of an order

d. Changing Delivery Date for an order

Step 1: Go to the side bar and look for Proactive Inputs --> Add/Update Proactive RCA

Step 2: Select from the Case dropdown the appropriate PRCA case that you want to create

E.g. Case: Change Qty for an article

For an order X, I would like to change the qty for an article Y. 

Step 3: Fields marked with '*' asterisk are mandatory, so you need to provide all the necessary information.

There is an 'i' marked next to some fields. If you click on it, it gives you more explanation about that field and what kind of input is required.

 Step 4: Click the button 'Add'

As soon as you click on "Add", a message is displayed: "Proactive RCA added successfully", and an entry of the newly created PRCA is displayed under "Automatic approvals".

In case something went wrong, an error message will explain to you what the problem is so you can retry creating the PRCA case by following the needed conditions.

2. How to search for a PRCA case

You can search for existing or newly created PRCAs using the Search functionality provided on the page.

Step 1: Choose the Case from the drop-down menu (mandatory field) and enter the data in the provided fields, such as Order No, Supplier, EAN No, etc. and then click on "Search"

E.g. Case: Changing Qty of an Article

Step 2:  Available PRCA cases, based on your Search criteria, are displayed under "Automatic approvals"

3. How to update or delete a PRCA case

You have the possibility to update or delete your PRCA cases in SCOT.

Step 1: Search for the PRCA case you would like to update or delete

Step 2:  a. To update PRCA, click on the Pen icon.

Page slides automatically to the top, showing you the pre-filled data of the Proactive RCA case you selected. Here you can make the needed changes to the PRCA case. 

E.g. Change qty from 10 to 12 and click on "Update"

"Proactive RCA updated successfully" message is displayed.

b. To delete PRCA, click on the Bin icon. A message with delete confirmation pops up, click on "Delete".

"Proactive RCA deleted successfully" message is displayed.


Note: You can export your PRCA cases in Excel by clicking on the Burger Menu on the upper right side of the Automatic approval table.