Logistic Parameters is a completely new section in SCOT.

While Homepage and Contributors sections focus on KPI information, the Logistic Parameters provides visibility over various parameters that could be associated at an article variant level and which are of interest to both Metro and you, as supplier, because these parameters define your business relationship.These parameters can be related to article variants, to orders and deliveries, and to supplier holidays

Until now, this information was available only in the sourcing systems of SCOT, making it difficult to access and edit. Now these parameters are available directly in the SCOT application, which makes them easily accessible to both Metro and suppliers. This raises awareness on both sides about certain restrictions or rules and is meant to minimise delivery problems.

You, as supplier, have the possibility to check parameters set in the Metro system and compare them to what you have in your own systems. In case corrections of these parameters are needed, this can be discussed by Metro and you with the general goal of improving deliveries and reducing the number of FOLs in the future. In the long term, the main advantage lies in the shift of SCOT from RCA management and penalties to prevention of problems and an excellent delivery performance.

Currently, information displayed in Logistic Parameters is read-only but in a future version it will be editable, allowing you to initiate changes of these parameters. Once you request a change, this will become visible on Admin side in the same section, so Metro Admins can review it and approve or reject it, the feedback becoming in the end visible to you.

Logistic Parameters consists of three tabs: 

1. Article Parameters

2. Order/Delivery Parameters

3. Supplier Holidays

All Parameters tabs have the same structure. Search filters are available on top for Article Parameters and Order/Delivery Parameters, with possibility to clear filter and also save filter for supplier holidays. The result table is shown below.

Let's take a closer look at each section:

1. Article Parameters

Search filters

Information is filtered at Account level. Account filter will allow you to select one or more accounts (supplier numbers) assigned to your user. 

Article Variant No - Name is also a multi-select field.

Contributor Type - Negative is set by default, but selection can be changed to All Contributors and Positive Contributors. Focus is on Negative Contributors because these are the articles which need your attention.

Supplier Article No and GTIN gives you the possibility to go into deeper detail using article information which is more familiar to you.

Result table

We know that Contribution Score is calculated by period. Parameters on this tab do not change depending on the period, so Period selector is not available here. The default period for which parameters are shown is the default one from Contributors section: Last 1 Week. We want to show you the latest data and, for the sake of the Contribution Score calculation, this last 1 week time period is used by default. We are looking at the most relevant data.

The sorting of the article variants in the table is based on the Contribution Score, going from the most OTIF-influencing articles (lowest scores) to the least OTIF- influencing articles (best scores). 

Account number and Account name - based on filter selection.

GTIN - latest GTIN associated to an article variant from the latest order placed for that article variant is shown.

Buying Bundle Number - we might have one article variant with several bundle numbers. Bundle number is the identifier of a specific bundle.

Bundle Quantity is the number of article units included in a bundle.

Article Variant Bundle Name - the full name as also shown in the All Order Lines table from the Contributors section.

Supplier article number - shown because you are more familiar with those identifiers as used in your systems.

Active in stores - shows the number of stores where that article variant has active status/total number of Metro stores in your country.

Temporary blocked in stores - shows the number of stores where that article variant is not available/total number of Metro stores in your country.

Delisted in stores - shows the number of stores where that article variant is delisted/total number of Metro stores in your country.

MOQ - relevant for article level, showing the minimum number of units which needs to be ordered from you.

Order Batch - this field values will show as 0 - More than MOQ , 1 - Multiple of MOQ. More than MOQ order batch (e.g. MOQ is 10 units --> then OB of 12 units is ok) OR multiple MOQ order batch (e.g. MOQ is 10 units, order batch needs to be in batches of 10, so 10, 20, 30 units).

MU in pallet - number of Metro Units in the entire pallet (which might have several layers).

MU in layer - number of Metro Units in one layer of the pallet.

2. Order/Delivery Parameters

Search filters

Same filters as in the Article Parameters tab, but while Article Parameters is connected to articles, this tab is connected to order and delivery parameters.

Information is filtered at Account level. Account filter will allow you to select one or more accounts (supplier numbers) assigned to your user. 

Article Variant No - Name is also a multi-select field.

Contributor Type - Negative is set by default, but selection can be changed to All Contributors and Positive Contributors. Focus is on Negative Contributors because these are the articles which need attention.

Result table

Similarly to the Article Parameters tab, the table is sorted by Contribution Score and has the same first columns: GTIN, Article Variant No, Buying Bundle No and Bundle Quantity, Article Variant Bundle Name, Supplier Article No.

Then, table shows columns specific to Order and Delivery:

Delivery Location - shows the delivery location for the article variant in the order. The same article can be delivered in multiple locations, in this case we will have a separate line for each location. Delivery locations are physical stores.

OD/DD/LT1 ... OD/DD/LT7 - 7 columns for the 7 days of the week, giving the possibility to set 7 different types of Order Day (OD) and Delivery Day (DD).

OD = Order Day - day of the week (from Monday to Sunday) when order is placed

DD = Delivery Day - day of the week (from Monday to Sunday) when delivery is expected

LT = Lead Time - number of days between order and delivery

3. Supplier Holidays


Supplier Holidays reflect periods when you are unable to accept orders or to make deliveries for the already placed orders. This might happen due to various reasons, such as warehouse/production line maintenance, general holidays agreed in your company around seasonal events (e.g. Christmas, Easter). Supplier Holidays do NOT include Bank Holidays, this information is something different. 

Search filters

The period of interest can be defined by selecting specific dates from the calendar: Period From and Period To

Then information can be filtered at supplier account number level by using the Account filter. You, as supplier, have access to all the supplier account numbers belonging to your company. The Account filter is a multi-select field, allowing you to search for multiple supplier account numbers at once (while Homepage and Contributors allow only single-account selection).

Note: Default sorting for Supplier Holiday is by "Date From" field starting from first date in "Period From" up to "Period To" in filter section (Chronological order). In case of same "Date From" field, second level sort will be based on Account number.

Result table

Account Number and Account Name 

To Be Blocked - can have three values: Order, Delivery or Order + Delivery (showing that you are not open for new orders or for deliveries to existing orders or you are not able to process both)

Date From - Date To - the period during which the rule or parameter applies


1. Supplier Holidays are different from Bank Holidays.

2. For all three tabs, results can be exported in Excel or CVS file format by clicking on the three dots at the right upper side of the table.

3. All tables are customisable, based on your needs, according to the following criteria:

1. Page size - 10, 20, 50 or 100 lines per page

2. Columns - some columns are mandatory, some are optional. You can select the columns which are relevant for you and click on apply. The preferences will be saved upon logout and login on user level.

Columns can be dragged and dropped to change the sequence. The preferences will be saved upon login and logout on user level as well.