Dear Supplier, do you want to invite additional persons from your company to MQuality Application ?

Pleas follow below steps to do so:

1. You are already registered in Metro Link plus as Supplier Admin for MQuality - according to the invitation which you received from Metro Link plus per mail. 

2. Please log in to Metro Link plus and go to step where you will see Application sections 

and go to this step where you will see Application sections with Icon "Supplier On-boarding"

 - please click on it 

you will receive screen with 

-> "Search Invites" - here you can see if the other user already exist in 

 - >"Invite User " - here you can invite new users from your company for MQuality tool - after you click on it 

you will see following fields :

- Invite Type : regular user 

- in area Supplier Company you will have all fields per- filed by default with your company number and name 

- in Country /Listing System - INT METRO

- in Services - MQuality 

- in Supplier Name - please write down your company name 

click on "search" please  and you will see your credentials and additional fields to invite other person 

Please fill out all mandatory fields * under USER DETAILS : First Name , Last Name , mail and the user language which will be used for invitation letter created by system in background and push "Send invite" - done !

If you want to invite more than one person please click on